but man it taste great fresh. :D
I went to MO this year for the first time in years. (a Vietnamese catholic event)and i gotta say it was a treat, I met some old friends I use to live with while I went there for high school, the nostalgia was something else, and the atmosphere was awesome. I wish I could share the feelings that accumulated there but you'll just have to imagine. being in an event filled with Vietnamese people made me sorta feel at home, much like when I was in Japan. maybe I found what I had been missing over the last couple of years?
heres an image of a statue my father carved out.
i'm sure we all can see what it is of.

we had a small competition when I was 14, I obviously loss but hey, it all turned out well. my pop turned out to be quite the artist.....I guess I been following his foot steps all along. :\
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