Thursday, October 1, 2009


Due to the destruction of my Lense, a couple days ago. (thats why i haven't posted in awhile) Lucky for me my friend Kevin was able to lend me his extra lense so i can continue shooting.! yay. but with these last few days of separation i started reading a bit more, and looking around more at photographs. and for the remainder of this trip in Paris. i decided to go back to B&W. no worries, the London/Rome trip will be in color since well i don't have much time there and i want color images for that...... i'll post a few images later tonight. I hope you'll like them.


  1. no prob peter! ur pics look real awesome in BW did u photoshop them at all?

  2. theres a little photoshop done, since i guess our cameras don't actually take the pic in B&W, SO theres like 30 secs de saturation and then that "Black" is slightly raised and thats it hahaha.
